

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A documentation of still photography.

So here are a few gnarly shots of some #hiking #trails up in the #Orlando #Florida area.
Also a few trails in #Cassadaga Florida.

Going to dedicate this page to the Photo's on the "Humping Bear" travels.

Right on, happy trails.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good drunken memories, the thoughts of Humping Bear.

Many moon's have set since the drunken escapades on the street of Duval...
This picture brings back the memories Drunken Bear.

Since I have found this photograph I have laughed many a seconds. 
The laugh was a mighty one. 
Mighty like the buffalo. 
Buff like a beefcake. 
Sweet like diabetes.

For no one will know why the white man leaves the two wheeled self propulsion machine like this. 
Only the white man understands his motive of #jackassness. 

But I humping bear see the white man's recklessness and laugh at white man, Humping Bear uses photo for background of blog. 

Humping Bear laugh at white man.

This has been a Humping Bear post. 

To the billions of people who will not read this.

So, after a year of #selfdebating (haha, it sound like #masturbating) and pondering, I've decided to move away from the filtered 140 (punctuation included) character limitation of twitter!
With this character barrier knocked down I will be able to properly and grammatically express my brain farts with out the horrible misuse of punctuation or having to use "u" in replacement of "you".
If you're still reading and are suspecting a reason for this explanation, I have none, and for that I'm sorry.

This will conclude my 1st blog.
To the billion of people out there in inter-web land who are not reading this, I wish you a good night.

Thanks for not reading.