

Monday, August 11, 2014

The adventures of building a raised garden bed! Come with me on this journey.

So after a good five to six months of growing a variety of seeds at home I've decided to move from the small pots and planters to the soil, and since I have the space and plenty of surplus wood from prior projects I figured I'd build a #RaisedGardenBed. I don't know why I hastaged that... I need to get away from intsagram.

Okay, that begin said! Here is what I got going on in my garden. Check it out!!

Here is a pic of my lil' dudes out growing their homes.
Eggplant, Peppers, Onions, and some Lychees!

Three different style peppers, Rosemary and Arugula. 

And some more peppers (Cachucha) and tomatoes, with some Citronella. 

Lets begin!

So I decided to build the bed around a palm tree in my back yard, which was pretty much wasted space, also the area gets plenty of sunlight! So it was a no brainer, any other area would have been under the shadow of my enormous oak tree.

I started by building a box frame around my palm.

The sticks you see around the area are wooden stakes, like the ones used for killing vampires right?! You can find them at most local hardware stores, they normally come in packs of about 9. I'll be using this badboys to map out the area and to drill the frame to the stakes for support!

Now that I have my steaks.... hehe, STAKES! in place, I'll start drillin'

Here is what it looked like after day one, had to stop due to a lack of wood. What your looking at it four wood stakes with a frame of 2x4 pressure treated wood. And a 2x8 of pressure treated wood on top of that.

After a quick run to the lumber shop I'm back to work!
Lets get drilling.

added an extra stake in the center of the front 2x8 for rigidity. 

And after a absurd amount of mosquito bites and about a gallon of water lost through sweat, this is the almost finished product!

Got a little over 11'' of dept, and the area that it covers is 8' 2" x 5' 3".

The screws I used are 2.5" course thread.

Later this week I'll dump in the soil and start transplanting!

Thanks for checking out the post, I wish you luck with your gardening adventures!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Poetically Pathetic. A collection of brute poetry for the common man, by the common man.

the forced

inside the regions of my mind,
i twist and turn without the tide, 
which doesn't bring me back to life, 
and turn away for all of time, 
it make no sense but is worth a dime, 
for all is taken but the light, 
and all will break until divine
and all will break. 
until divine. 


Lost connection

What goes around that empty head?
Corroded cables, transmission dead.

He only recalls the buried past, memories in ashes of time and space. 

What goes on in the empty mind, 
which use to enlighten, all of the time. 
It always held an answer or the key, 
but never said, he'd like to hear it from me. 


The story of a Indian and a Jew

Data transfer.What a concept, 
we as hue-mans, have to master it yet. 
We arrogantly sit, as we would know. 
But nature has a world to show. 

We're captured by our myDevices, speak to them, date them, marry them and the list goes on. 

For people have yet realized the answer is out there (he points to the forest) over yonder.  

Past the building and over the interstate, you can see a ceder tree that stands proudly. A home of eagles and other wild life that we have endangered.  

That be your Bar-Mitzvah David, in such lands you walk in a child. But walk out a man. 
It will take one fort night

Friday, June 20, 2014

Going through the motions.

Going through the motions, no eye contact needed, no explanation required... but they still question it though.

*take a deep breath*


Say that four times fast and you'll get a fist full of nothing and a "I really care about what you have to say to me"  blank stare that stares back into the blankness of blank. #blanketlyblankblank. With a side of blank.

This isn't a direct rant,
This isn't a indirect rant,
This is a rant to end all rants.
This is a rant for the freedom to rant.
This is not a rant.
This rant may be about you.

Wear the shoe if it fits like a glove.

You see.
We have to much arrogance, yet nothing to show for it.
We live pay check to pay check, yet we pretend we only have disposable income.
We are the "I got this generation", when in reality "we ain't got nuthin' " (pardon the shift into AA vernacular)
We have freedom of speech, but we get looked down upon for practicing it.
We're currently in a world where using the terms: retard, faggot, black, white, Chinese, Arab and lesbian, etc...will automatically black list you, I hope black list isn't a racists term too, and make you the bad guy.
So you need to praise the faggot, which you never had a problem with in the first place. You have to have patience with the retard, when their the ones with the problem. And you have to limit your adjectives when you describe a person, for fear of coming off as the bad guy.
And to top it off you're still a bad guy when you don't hold the door for the bitch with the over inflated ego that won't even acknowledge your presence when you do hold it.
Not on my watch bub.

So don't ask me how my day is when I cross your path, and don't give me gods blessing when we start/finish a conversation.

Just smile politely and nod your head, because I wouldn't even miss the small talk when I'm dead.

This rant has been brought to you by the artist formally known as #Humping Bear.
Looks like the #WhiteMan won this one.

Thank you for your patronage

Thursday, May 1, 2014

An explanation of thought's.

Who is Humping Bear?
The best way to describe Humping Bear is to take the entity off the name, not the who, but the what?

Humping Bear is a thought along with The White Man. Without The White Man, there is no Humping Bear, without Humping Bear there can be no The White Man.
The White Man, and Humping Bear are polar aligned forces that portray the shadows and lights within us all. Both The White Man  and Humping Bear have a anima and animus, and neither Humping Bear or The White Man are good or evil, they are just as evil or good as we make them.

So, who is Humping Bear and who is The White Man?
Both power's live within us all and we are all Humping Bear AND The White Man.

This has been an explanation of thoughts.

-Humping Bear

Humping Bear speaks.

And with a blank mind, a cold cup of coffee and a cut on my foot. I sit here typing the 1st thing that comes to mind.

You're slipping into nothing,

You're slipping into nothing,

You're slipping....

Hello wall, I haven't bumped my head into you in many a fortnights.
For the wall is much stronger than the encasing that holds my grey matter in.
Just another soft spot of the mind, that ripples with the passing of the tide.

.....into nothing, you slip.

Fortnight seem longer on the eleventh hour of the 9th day.
Where the mighty buffalo roam the dead zone, hunting signal to tell its wife to put away the supper, for winter is coming and it shall be a cold one indeed.
The 13th hour approached on the 10th day, "still no signal Humping bear" said the mighty Buffalo.
Yes, "the now network" has failed again replied Humping Bear.


Enjoy White Man.

-Humping Bear's  thought's.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A documentation of still photography.

So here are a few gnarly shots of some #hiking #trails up in the #Orlando #Florida area.
Also a few trails in #Cassadaga Florida.

Going to dedicate this page to the Photo's on the "Humping Bear" travels.

Right on, happy trails.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good drunken memories, the thoughts of Humping Bear.

Many moon's have set since the drunken escapades on the street of Duval...
This picture brings back the memories Drunken Bear.

Since I have found this photograph I have laughed many a seconds. 
The laugh was a mighty one. 
Mighty like the buffalo. 
Buff like a beefcake. 
Sweet like diabetes.

For no one will know why the white man leaves the two wheeled self propulsion machine like this. 
Only the white man understands his motive of #jackassness. 

But I humping bear see the white man's recklessness and laugh at white man, Humping Bear uses photo for background of blog. 

Humping Bear laugh at white man.

This has been a Humping Bear post. 

To the billions of people who will not read this.

So, after a year of #selfdebating (haha, it sound like #masturbating) and pondering, I've decided to move away from the filtered 140 (punctuation included) character limitation of twitter!
With this character barrier knocked down I will be able to properly and grammatically express my brain farts with out the horrible misuse of punctuation or having to use "u" in replacement of "you".
If you're still reading and are suspecting a reason for this explanation, I have none, and for that I'm sorry.

This will conclude my 1st blog.
To the billion of people out there in inter-web land who are not reading this, I wish you a good night.

Thanks for not reading.